Uploading instructions |
Please follow the instructions below to upload SKY or UTM log files
of the Yuneec H520 drone.
- After flying, connect your Yuneec H520 remote controller to a PC, and find the logs in the flight_logs\Telemetry directory.
Then, transfer the ".sky" or ".utm" files to your computer.
- Once your flights logs are saved onto your computer, go to https://app.airdata.com/main?a=upload to upload them to Airdata.
Here are examples of what to look for:
2018-08-30 10-01-06.sky or 2018-08-30 10-01-06.utm
- Drag and drop your flights into the drop box area or click and select them from the pop-up window.
- Click on "Upload Flights" to upload the files to Airdata.
- Once uploaded, click on "Continue to flights" to view your Yuneec H520 flights.
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