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Yuneec H520

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  Uploading instructions

Please follow the instructions below to upload SKY or UTM log files
of the Yuneec H520 drone.



  1. After flying, connect your Yuneec H520 remote controller to a PC, and find the logs in the flight_logs\Telemetry directory. Then, transfer the ".sky" or ".utm" files to your computer.

  2. Once your flights logs are saved onto your computer, go to to upload them to Airdata.

    Here are examples of what to look for:
    2018-08-30 or 2018-08-30 10-01-06.utm

  3. Drag and drop your flights into the drop box area or click and select them from the pop-up window.

  4. Click on "Upload Flights" to upload the files to Airdata.

  5. Once uploaded, click on "Continue to flights" to view your Yuneec H520 flights.

    Still have questions? See our forum to join the discussion or contact us.

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